Application For The Establishment Of a Debating Club

suppose, there is no debating club in your school. But the students of your school feel the need of a debating club. Now, write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for the establishment a debating club.

22 February, 2015
The Headmaster,
'A' high school,

Subject: Application for the establishment of a debating club.

We, the students of your school, have the honor to state that there in no debating club in our school. But we feel the need of a debating club. Debating is essential for the students overall development of the students. It develops ability to acquire knowledge and skills of speaking. It helps us distinguish between the right and wrong and refines our sensibility. It also helps us to prepare for the future leadership.

We, therefore, would like to request you to establish a debating club in our school and nominate a teacher as a guide and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours
The students of x high school

Suppose, there is no debating club in your school, but it he has to expand mental faculty. Now write an application to the headmaster of your school for establishment a debating club.

23 March, 2015
The Headmaster
'A' High School, Dhaka.

Subject: prayer for establishment of a debating club.

We, the student of the school, beg most respectfully to state that we have been feeling the need of a debating club in our school. A debating club offers the opportunity for the students to develop their power of thinking and oration. It widens the horizon of the knowledge of the students as they have to study different books on the topic. There are promising boys and girls who, if get chance, can show their talents in debate and even can bring to victory to our school in national debate competition.

We, therefore, fervently pray and hope and hope that you would be kind enough to arrange a debating club in our school as soon as possible and oblige us thereby.

You’re most obediently,
The students of 'A' High school, Dhaka.



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