An Application For Opening a Charitable Dispensary

Question:suppose, you are an inhabitant of the flood affected Rupgonj village under the district of Jamlpur. The people of your village have been suffering from various diseases. Since there is no charitable dispensary here, write an application to the deputy commissioner to open a charitable dispensary in your locality.

29 January, 2014
The deputy commissioner,

Subject:application for opening a charitable dispensary.

Dear Sir,
This is to inform you to draw your kind attention to the flood that has recently visited rupgonj, under your district. The flood has broken all the records of the past. The miseries of the affected people know no bounds. Thousands of people have become homeless. Many of them have taken shelter on rooftops, boats and embankments. They are now living under open sky with out food and drinking water. Cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, dysentery etc. Have broken out in an epidemic form the affected people are now badly in needing medicine. But it is a great regret that there is no charitable dispensary in the village. In the meantime many people died for want of proper treatment. So, it is necessary to open a charitable dispensary here.

In the circumstances I, therefore, pray and hope that would be kind enough to open a charitable dispensary to lessen the sufferings of the affected people.

Yours truly,
Atiqur rahman
On behalf of the people of rupgonj, jamalpur


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